CREW is a private network for the most talented leaders in business today where members can connect with other senior executives from diverse companies, industries, and backgrounds from Fortune 100 companies to enterprising start-ups.

It is through this diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and thoughts that we can empower and inspire each other to unlock our greatest potential.


Percent of businesses who agree that leadership development is important

Percent of businesses who have implemented leadership development at all levels

Percent of leaders who are looking for external coaching for their leadership development

Percent of people who have left a job because of bad leadership

Empower Your Leaders with CREW

CREW brings cutting-edge, authentic,
and inspiring consulting and support to executive members.

Members gain external perspective from peers, thought leaders, and other professionals within our community.

Some key focus areas are unleashing and mobilizing leadership skills and potential in:

  • Change Management

  • Sales Strategy and Effectiveness

  • Innovation and Growth Mindset

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Influence and Persuasion

  • Career Navigation

  • Executive Presence

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

  • Public Speaking

  • Performing Under Pressure

  • Mental Health and Well-being

70% of members partner with their companies on membership dues